Epiphany: ‘You are caught in a wrong milieu’

Shubhankar Tiwari
2 min readJan 23, 2021

All the souls are in search of beatitude. Being the infinitesimal element of the infinite ocean of bliss, it is an innate endeavor of every soul to seek beatitude. As we are caged in this material construct, our thirst for such a divine bliss cannot be satiated by worldly happiness. The joy and pleasure of material world is only a cosmetic measure. It is just a band aid fix to a much deeper yearning for divinity.

Whether we realize it or not, all our material possessions and achievement lend us happiness, a happiness which is fleeting. Sooner or later, to our utter dismay, it strikes that all such material sources of pleasure have their limitations. The happiness we hanker for soon turns out to be our biggest source of misery and bondage.

The name, fame, wealth, position, power and status cannot quench the divine thirst within. And then at a particular level of consciousness in a deciding life, a call from within says, “Hey! I have been looking for the wrong stuff”. At that moment of epiphany, a series of enigma unfolds. The search for truth begins and it will take you to a journey within. The destination will be another realm where you will realize that till now have been caught in a wrong milieu.

May be such a revelation will not take place until the bottom four steps of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are not scaled. Till then your journey will be like a ship which is anchored. Such a ship can at best traverse a cyclic path having just a parochial view of vast ocean of reality. But once we realize that anchor exist then the inner self will make earnest effort to unchain the bondage of material existence.

A voyage will embark to the infinite…

